
ISSN 2063-5346
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A Brief Insight about Syringoma Variants and its Differential Diagnosis

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Mohamed Metwalli Abdel Naby, Kamal Ahmed El Kashishy, Mohamed Mahmoud Nasr, Nehal Anwar Ezzat
» doi: 10.53555/ecb/2023.12.Si12.236


Background: Syringomas are benign adnexal tumors of eccrine origin, with four principal clinical variants. In eruptive syringoma, a rare variant first described by Jacquet and Darier in 1987, the lesions occur in large numbers and in successive crops on the anterior chest, neck, upper abdomen, axillae, and the periumbilical region at puberty or during childhood. More rarely, cases with wider involvement of the body have also been reported. It occurs more frequently among women. The lesions consist of asymptomatic multiple small firm yellow-brown-colored papules, that typically present in a bilateral, symmetrical distribution, but there have been reports of unilateral, unilateral nevoid, bathing trunk and generalized distributions. Clinically, it may be mistaken for acne vulgaris, sebaceous hyperplasia, milia, lichen planus, eruptive xanthoma, urticaria pigmentosa, hidrocystoma, trichoepithelioma and xanthelasma on the face and granuloma annular on the trunk. Definitive diagnosis can be made on histological examination, because syringomas demonstrate distinctive histopathological features. Syringomas on the face clinically mimic trichoepitheliomas and BCC, whereas eyelid lesions can be mistaken for xanthelasma. Eruptive syringomas may resemble disseminated granuloma annulare, especially on the trunk.

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