
ISSN 2063-5346
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A Comparative Analysis of NLP Algorithms and Their Recent Advances

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Chelsea Chauhan, Komal Saxena, Nidhi Sindhwani
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.10.463


Natural Language is spoken and written by humans and thus, it is generated in an enormous amount in this world. Though it may have a big deal of knowledge inside it, but because of its large volume, it is becoming very hard day by day to propagate the gained knowledge by a person/human in a limited time span. The natural language processing is the answer for this job which provides the fruitful results using big amount of data, with good accuracy just like a human being. The following research represents the techniques of natural language processing, Natural Language Processing classification and fields where it is being used. Additionally, it covers the recent trends and advances made so far in the field and the recent algorithms being developed and used by well-known organizations. The research presents the comparative study of various machine learning and natural language processing algorithms on Language Detection which is an application of natural language processing and finally, the conclusion is presented based on the study.

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