
ISSN 2063-5346
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Dr Lakshminarayana SA, Dr.Vamseedhar Annam, Dr.K.Bindumadhuri, Dr Shalini Jiwan Chahande, Dr Korla Swapnavahini
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.s2.367


India has been devastated by the second wave of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in early 2021. The number of severe cases has significantly increased as daily infection rates have risen alarmingly. Inadequate health infrastructure and an excessive demand for hospital beds, medications, vaccines, and oxygen have plagued the nation. Adding more weight to such a difficult circumstance, mucormycosis, an obtrusive parasitic contamination, has seen an unexpected flood in patients with Coronavirus. The most prevalent form that has been observed is the rhino-orbital-cerebral one. Particularly, approximately three-quarters of them received corticosteroids to treat COVID-19 because they had diabetes as a predisposing comorbidity. Potential systems might include insusceptible and fiery cycles. Diabetes, when combined with Coronavirus incited foundational insusceptible change, will in general reason diminished resistance and an expanded gamble of optional diseases. Since exhaustive information on this lethal sharp contamination are developing against the setting of a significant pandemic, counteraction procedures basically include overseeing comorbid conditions in high-risk gatherings. Surgical debridement and antifungal therapy with Amphotericin B and selected azoles were the primary treatment options. To correctly diagnose the infection, characterize the clinical presentation, comprehend the pathogenesis, and monitor the course of the disease, a number of India-specific clinical guidelines have emerged. The most comprehensive is Code Mucor, which offers a straightforward but dependable staging system for the rhino-orbital-cerebral form. An organizing framework has as of late been proposed, and a committed library has been begun. We conduct a thorough analysis of the most recent data and recommendations regarding COVID-19-associated mucormycosis in India in this critical review

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