
ISSN 2063-5346
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A Review on the Functions of Nanomaterials in Wastewater Treatment

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Deepmala Dalal, Dr. Shameema Rana, Dr. Renu Kumari Rohal
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.sa1.540


Indeed, the availability of potable water is a major global concern, and nanomaterials have shown great promise in tackling the problems associated with water pollution. As previously mentioned, nanomaterials have special qualities that make them very efficient at filtering impurities from contaminated water. However, it is crucial to take into account a few crucial factors and difficulties related to their application, although nanomaterial-based approaches for pollutant removal are effective, they frequently call for additional energy inputs for procedures like membrane filtration or photocatalysis. Nanomaterials can also be expensive to produce and use, which might prevent their wide adoption. Therefore, in order to make technologies economically viable, it is imperative to develop cost and energy-efficient ones. It is critical to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of any technology, including impacts of nanomaterials used in water treatment. Because it is still unknown how long-term exposure to nanomaterials will affect ecosystems and human health, it is important to limit their release into the environment. To ensure the secure disposal or recycling of products based on nanomaterials, appropriate waste management techniques should be put into place difficulties with commercialization. Nanomaterial-based water treatment technologies have demonstrated promising outcomes in research settings, but their widespread application and successful commercialization present difficulties. Processes that are being scaled up from laboratory to industrial levels need to be carefully optimized, scalable, and integrated with the current water treatment infrastructure adaptability and flexibility. Depending on the type and source of the pollutants, the composition of the wastewater can vary significantly. Therefore, it is essential to create adaptable systems based on nanomaterials that can efficiently handle a variety of contaminants. The creation of multipurpose nanomaterials or the blending of various nanomaterials can increase the adaptability and efficiency of water treatment processes. Regulations and precautions: As with any method of water treatment, it's critical to make sure that nanomaterial-based technologies abide by rules and standards for the safety and quality of water. To avoid any negative effects on human health or the environment, it is important to closely monitor any nanoparticle releases or by products that may occur during treatment. In conclusion, nanomaterials offer significant potential in addressing water pollution challenges, but their successful application in large-scale wastewater treatment requires addressing energy and cost considerations, minimizing environmental impacts, overcoming commercialization barriers, ensuring flexibility, and adhering to regulations and precautions. Continued research and development efforts are necessary to optimize nanomaterial-based technologies and make them accessible and practical for widespread implementation.

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