
ISSN 2063-5346
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A review paper on the morphometric analysis of sexual dimorphism in the sacrum

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Dr. M.P. Ambali, Dr. Mrs. Swati Sunil Jagtap, Dr. Mrs. M.A. Doshi
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si4.667


It has long been known that the sacrum, a triangular-shaped bone at the base of the spine, plays a significant role in sexual dimorphism in humans. Numerous studies have focused on the morphometric analysis of sexual dimorphism in the sacrum in recent years. An overview of the state of knowledge on the morphometric variations between male and female sacra is given in this review paper. The review discusses sacral morphometry's approach, including how different imaging modalities are used and how sacral parameters are measured. It also explores how age, race, and illness—factors that can affect sexual dimorphism—affect sacral morphology. Summarised and thoroughly explained are the results of investigations on the morphometric examination of sexual dimorphism in the sacrum. According to these findings, the male sacrum has a bigger sacral base, larger sacral foramina, and a more distinct sacral promontory than the female sacrum. Furthermore, it has been discovered that sexual dimorphism in the sacrum can be a helpful tool in forensic investigations, particularly in situations involving skeletal remains where gender identification is required. There is still much to learn about the sexual dimorphism of the sacrum, despite the significant progress that has been done. Future studies should look at additional variables that influence sacral morphology and the use of cutting-edge imaging methods, such 3D reconstructions, to increase the precision of sacral measurements.

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