
ISSN 2063-5346
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Deepyagya Gupta,Dr. Rubina Fakhr
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si5a.0170


Social support is a broad notion that includes the readiness of close friends and family to offer help as well as support. The process or result of successfully adjusting to adverse or challenging life experiences, particularly through mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility and adjustment to external and internal pressures, is known as resilience. Social support and resilience play a very vital role in an individual’s life. This study concerns the relationship of academic stress and life satisfaction in relation to social support and resilience. It has shown how family, friends or colleagues have a positive or negative influence on an individual's social support and resilience in their life. In the past decades till date, we have seen a positive relation in academic stress with social support and resilience and the individuals were more likely bent towards their friends for social support. As the variables are positively correlated with life satisfaction, it means that life satisfaction, social support and resilience are related

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