
ISSN 2063-5346
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A Study on Effectiveness of Customer Service Quality in Supply Chain Management with Special Reference in Tamil Nadu

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Mr. M. Afsar, Dr. A. Poomagal
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si4.789


The standard of customer service is crucial to supply chain management. It is crucial to make sure that the clients are happy with the goods and services the business provides. This study intends to investigate the value of good customer service in supply chain management. The effectiveness of the supply chain, customer loyalty, and customer happiness are imperative factors in determining the service quality and thus the researchers come with an aim to examine the effectiveness of customer service quality in SCM with following objectives: a) To evaluate the level of customer service in supply chain management and the effects it has on client satisfaction, retention, and supply chain effectiveness and b) To determine the elements that influence supply chain management's customer service quality and to create plans for enhancing it. The study is Descriptive in its nature as its attempts to find the facts. The sample size of the study is determined to 112 and the samples were collected through Convenience Sampling Technique. The study used both Primary and Secondary data. A structured questionnaire was framed to collaborate the variables pertaining to the Customer Service Quality, and the same was distributed to 150 samples. Statistical tool like ANOVA is implemented to execute the statistical test for various variables. The research revealed that there is no association between Quality of the customer service received during the interaction with supply chain team and the supply chain team is able to resolve any issues or challenges encountered during the delivery process.

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