
ISSN 2063-5346
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Acceptability of Knockdown Spray Booth Painting System Device for Interior Design

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Criselda A. Esmero, Jocelyn A. Abojon
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si4.1383


This study was conducted at Cebu Technological University-Pinamungajan Extension. This research used the descriptive-developmental method to gather facts relevant to attaining the details in the planning, designing, and fabricating of the Design and Development of a Knockdown Spray Booth Painting System Device for Interior Design Technology. Convenience sampling was utilized to identify the respondents from the Bachelor of Industrial Technology (BIT) specialized in Interior Design Technology, the Bachelor of Industrial Technology (BIT) specialized in Civil Technology, and the selected Technology Instructor/Professor. For data treatment, frequencies, percentages, and a weighted mean were used. Assessed the acceptability of the developed knockdown spray booth painting system device for interior design at the Cebu Technological University-Pinamungajan Extension Campus, Pinamungajan, Cebu, Philippines. The acceptability of the developed spray booth device is based on the technology acceptance model. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the perceptions of the development of the spray booth device, the performance of the design and development of the spray booth device based on the quality dimensions, and the extent of acceptability of the spray booth device on the Technology Acceptance Model was very highly acceptable. The performance and acceptability of the design and development of a knockdown spray booth painting system device for interior design technology were recommended for technology adoption at the university

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