
ISSN 2063-5346
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Faris Khader Hasan Alhassani, Mutlaq Dakhel Fawaz Almalki, Eman Ali Abdu Sharahely, Daifallah Abdallah. M Althubety, Shayraman Abdulrashid Abdulrahman Bukhari, Fahad Mansour Khubaytan Alhulayfi
» doi: 10.53555/ecb/2022.11.11.232


The present review provides an in-depth study of variants of the angiotensinogen (AGT) gene, which plays an important role in risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease and hypertension. The AGT gene is used in our body to regulate blood pressure and also ensure the balance of different fluids in the human body. This study aimed to identify common variants that play an important role in cardiovascular disease. This research also includes determining the impact that variants and their mutations may have on the development of essential hypertension. Kurdi, De Mello, and Booz (2005, p.1357-1367) stated that the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system “RAAS”; is responsible for the cause of hypertension. The results of this study focused on 9 SNPs formed in the AGT gene, the SNPs present in exon number 2 named rs699 and rs4762 and in the untranslated region, 5 SNPs named rs5046 were found, rs5049, rs11568020, rs5050 and rs5051. Finally, the intron contains two SNPs named rs2148582 and rs3789679. She determined that the AGT gene helps us better understand the function and processes of different variants. Several studies have found an association between enhanced AGT gene variants that cause hypertension and plasma AGT. The following research covers various aspects of angiotensinogen AGT, its system, and its impact on various functions in our body.

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