
ISSN 2063-5346
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Akira Kurosawa’s Rashomon: A Grueling Insight into Nihilism

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Dhanya Bajpe , Eshita Panickar, Aswani Prakash , Indu A. S
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si7.379


Akira Kurosawa’s narrative techniques and excellent directive abilities are well portrayed in his movie, “Rashomon”. With the inculcation of Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophies on nihilism-in particular, moral nihilism, Kurosawa’s languid existentialism is compared subpar to the author, Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s nihilistic perspectives. This paper aims at showcasing the inherent selfishness of human beings, and the nihilistic nature of man, through the characters of the movie, "Rashomon". The character of the bystander is relative to the nature of the common man, and the hypocrisy of each of the characters is brought out into the limelight, in accordance with their nihilistic attitudes. The ambiguity of morality is questioned through the unreliable narrations of the characters, and the investigation into the ultimate “truth” is depicted as something relative and that which can be personally interpreted according to convenience and assumptions. Kurosawa's brilliance is depicted through his mastery of portraying the unreliability of the narratives not just through one character – but through four. This paper will also look to investigate the subjectivity of perception, the naturalism of interpretation and the innate underlying notion of nihilism in human beings.

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