
ISSN 2063-5346
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Aloe Vera Medical Plant

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Kaushal Bhargava,Dinesh Kumar Singh
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si5.166


For thousands of years, people have relied on the healing properties of the aloe vera plant. Aloe vera has several dental applications in addition to its well-known health advantages. Researchers' curiosity in this plant's potential is growing. Aloe vera has been shown to be effective as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antifungal, according to scientific studies. Aloe vera is the most widely used therapeutic plant in the world, and it is also the oldest known medicinal herb. Aloe vera extract has been shown to improve skin conditions. In addition to relieving stinging and swelling, aloe vera's antibacterial characteristics make it useful for treating burns, rashes, wounds, and bug bites. It's been shown to prevent wrinkles from forming and to actively repair the damaged skin cells that lead to wrinkles. Detoxifying, antibacterial, and nerve tonic, aloe vera has several uses. It may help your body fight off viruses and strengthen your immune system. Including Aloe vera in one's diet has been shown to aid digestion. As a tonic for overall health. The vitamins in aloe vera are quite helpful. Vitamin B12 is among the many vitamins found in aloe vera gel, along with vitamins A, C, E, and folic acid. The inner gel of the aloe vera plant has been used and researched extensively due to its widespread traditional medicinal use. Proponents of the usage of this plant argue that it is more cost-effective and safer than synthetic pharmaceuticals. However, the precise methods and active components need to be discovered. The paper shows its physical, biological, and chemical suitability for a wide range of uses.

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