
ISSN 2063-5346
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An Enhanced Quantum Algorithm for Error Correction And Improved Quantum Computing Speed

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Dr.P.Sateesh, Dr.T.Vijaykumar , Dr.Y.Seetha MahaLakshmi, Dr.S.Suresh, Dr.S.Karunakarreddy, Dr.P.Sivakumar, Dr.N.Narendra Phanikumar, G.Rameshbabu
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.4.185


Quantum error correction (QEC) and error-tolerant quantum computing represent one of the most vital theoretical aspects of the quantum information process. Quantum Error Remediation is a theory on how to reverse or cancel noise and errors on quantum systems. The concept of quantum error correction is to represent redundant quantum information. LAWE (learning Algorithm with errors)-based cryptography, whose security is based on the hardness of the underlying LAWE issue, is one of the most promising. The quantum LAWE problem is a quantum version of the LAWE problem, where the resolution algorithm can interrogate the LWE oracle in quantum computing. For this quantum LAWE issue, Grover and Ben Criger recently showed an efficient quantum resolution algorithm, with a test candidate. In this article, we first present an improved version of Grover's resolution search algorithm, which can handle a higher error rate to achieve a greater probability of success. Oracles are used in many quantum algorithms, when the full implementation of a specific function is unknown. This algorithm for resolves constraintsatisfaction problems. We present a quadratic speed in running time by introducing amplitude amplification.

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