
ISSN 2063-5346
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An Observation on the Impactsof Modern Technologies on Human Values in the 21st Century's Inclusive Society

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S. Gnanaraj, Dr. S. Sakthivel, Dr. S. Barathi, S. Dinesh Kumar
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.4.236


The current study investigates how contemporary technologies affect human values in the inclusive society of the twenty-first century. Our expectations and hopes for technology are growing dramatically as a result of how important it is to modern existence. At the moment, it is one of the most important components that is advancing inclusive society. The cycles of technology and civilization are interconnected. People are now able to live more comfortably, interact with one another, and travel because of technological advances. The application of technology has rendered living considerably less difficult. In a culture that prioritises inclusion, the influence of technology extends to everyone and everything, including the natural environment. Many of the infrastructure areas of the economy, such as communication, transportation, education and learning, health care, and many others, have profited from the implementation of modern technologies.

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