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P. Sweetlin1, Dr.M. Arthi2
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si12.054


A lot of exercises are typically used in the teaching and learning process to fix, transfer, and evaluate ideas and information about a subject. Learning is the process of developing, through experience, relatively permanent changes in comprehension, attitude, knowledge, information, capacity, and ability. A change can improve or worsen learning and might be voluntary or involuntary. Learning is a cognitive process that occurs internally. The study of fuzzy sets is crucial to understanding how to recognize patterns. Between verbal factors and quantitative characterization, it acts as a bridge. Information that is either absent or incomplete can be provided using fuzzy set membership values. Our daily difficulties can be solved via fuzzy relations, depending on two different circumstances. When it comes to student learning, teacher quality is extremely important. Measurement of teacher quality is crucial for this reason. Even if a student's success, whether excellent, decent, average, or poor, depends on his or her particular field of study. By assigning membership scores between 0 and 1 to each student's specialization using the fuzzy ranking technology, we will attempt to draw conclusions about the performance of the students in this paper.

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