
ISSN 2063-5346
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Application of Machine Learning Methods To The Cricket Predictions

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Marrapu Aswini Kumar1 Mrs Kavitha Chekuri2 Imandi Gayathri3 Nalanagula Harini4 V Santosh Kumar5
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.10.788


Cricket is now a well-known team sport played all over the world and is regarded as the sport with the second highest popularity overall. There is a huge need for cricket analysis of data due to the abundance of available data and the advancement of Machine Learning (also known as ML) technology. This work is done using the machine learning algorithms which are better for the cricket predictions and gives the accurate results. A comparison analysis has been done between the algorithms and it will show the graph of each algorithm for better visualization and better understanding. Two models are used to predict the linear regression and logistic regression.

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