
ISSN 2063-5346
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Assessing the Efficacy of ChatGPT in Facilitating Self-Management Strategies among Diabetic Patients

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Muzamil Ahmad Khan
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.10.744


ChatGPT is an AI chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched in November 2022. It employs unsupervised learning, analyzing a wide range of data to establish connections between words and phrases, and generates human-like responses [1]. In the field of healthcare and medicine, ChatGPT has made significant contributions, particularly in the domain of diabetes. According to the IDF Diabetes Atlas (2021), 10.5% of the adult population currently has diabetes, and this number is projected to increase by 48% by 2045, with 1 in 8 adults living with diabetes. Managing diabetes requires continuous self-care, including monitoring blood sugar levels, administering insulin, making healthy lifestyle choices, and regular visits to healthcare providers. However, there is a shortage of medical professionals, which poses a challenge in providing ongoing care for diabetic patients. ChatGPT can play a role in overcoming these challenges by providing real-time, personalized education and support [1]. This has the potential to improve patient engagement and adherence to treatment plans, while also reducing the burden on medical staff [1]. However, it is important to acknowledge that ChatGPT also has several pitfalls. The purpose of this study is to discuss the feasibility of utilizing ChatGPT in self-management strategies for patients.

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