
ISSN 2063-5346
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Kousar Bashir, Er.Ajay Vikram, Er.Abhilash Thakur
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si7.182


Soil liquefaction is a phenomenon that occurs when saturated soil loses its strength and stiffness due to the sudden application of stress, such as an earthquake. This can lead to severe damage to infrastructure and buildings, which is why it is important to accurately assess the initiation of soil liquefaction. In recent years, laboratory testing has become an increasingly popular method for assessing soil liquefaction susceptibility. By subjecting soil samples to a series of cyclic loading tests, researchers can measure the resistance of the soil to liquefaction and estimate the likelihood of liquefaction occurring during an earthquake. This abstract presents a study on the assessment of the initiation of soil liquefaction using laboratory testing. The study involved conducting cyclic triaxial tests on soil samples collected from a liquefaction-prone area. The results of the tests were analysed to determine the soil liquefaction potential and the corresponding liquefaction resistance of the soil. The study found that the initiation of soil liquefaction could be accurately assessed using laboratory tests, and that the cyclic triaxial test was an effective method for evaluating the liquefaction potential of soils. The results of the study can be used to improve the accuracy of liquefaction hazard assessments and inform the design of earthquake-resistant infrastructure in liquefaction-prone areas

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