
ISSN 2063-5346
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Assessment of Marketing Program on Total Quality Management and Organizational Commitment of Head Nurses at Zagazig University Hospitals

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Sadia Said Gharib Mohamed, Saher Hamdy El-Sayed,Wafaa Mostafa Mohamed
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si7.258


Marketing is a service activity that drives hospitals’ medical services to the patient. Marketing is beneficial to both hospitals and the public. For hospitals, it brings business and promotes a good image. For the public, it promotes health and well-being through free health information, and reduces waste of medical resources. Aim: The present study aimed to assess the effect of marketing program on total quality management practice and organizational commitment of head nurses. Design: A cross sectional design was used to conduct the present study. Setting: the study was conducted at Zagazig University hospitals. Subjects: All head nurses working at the previously mentioned settings at time of data collection (70). Tools: Two tools were used for data collection: Total Quality Management Practice Survey and Organizational Commitment Scale. Results: Indicated that statistical significant improvement in the levels of all dimensions of total quality management after implementation of the program. Additionally, the percentage of organizational commitment for head nurses increase after program implementation to 78.6%. Conclusion: Implementation of marketing training program was associated with improvement in the opinions of head nurses about total quality management practice. Also there was a statistically significant improvement in all types of organizational commitment after program implementation. Recommendation: The hospital should Maintaining continuous development activities for nurses to improve their attitudes, knowledge and skill about marketing practice and provide orientation program regards hospital mission and vision with a clear organizational objectives.

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