
ISSN 2063-5346
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Assessment of Quality care in the health care sector: A Systematic Review

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Roshan Bhaladhare1,Dr Parag Rishipathak2
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12. 4.108


High-quality health systems are more crucial than service quality in the other sectors because they have a major effect on the health and well-being. In reality, there has been a lot of interest in healthcare quality since raising the standard of treatment has a favourable effect on a nation's population's health, which in turn helps the economy and culture as a whole. Increasing the calibre of hospital treatment is a top goal for all nations, particularly developing ones where hospitals serve as the primary healthcare facilities.The release of several research on the evaluation of quality care with in healthcare industry served as the basis for the current study. The current study was inspired by a number of studies on the costs and issues associated with malnutrition. Relevant papers were included after a search of the internet databases of Pubmed, EMBASE, the Web of Science was done with English as the only permitted language. After that, databases got accessed to perform a more thorough literature search using key words or Boolean operators to produce papers relevant to the problem. Using inclusion/exclusion criteria, these papers were vetted to create a manageable eight pieces.These eight articles were evaluated, and the results showed that now the delivery and standard of care in the health sector suffer from considerable gaps. The study revealed the disparities in key service & quality of care parameters that depend on one another. Other service quality dimensions may decline as a result of a gap with one dimension, which can have a multiplicative effect. Doctors & paramedical staff availability, patient discharge procedures, hospital documentation policies, staff awareness of social responsibility, management standards, and medicine availability are some of the important hospital administration elements that have an impact on staff-patient interactions.The study came to the conclusion that managers as service providers should think about improving other dimensions in addition to concentrating on those with the biggest gaps. On these less explored characteristics, future scholars can base their work. The average stay duration, patient cooperation, patient quality/illness, and patient sociodemographic parameters are the final elements influencing the level of service in terms of patient characteristics.

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