
ISSN 2063-5346
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Bandwidth Optimization Techniques for Faster Data Transfer Avoiding Traffic Congestion Using Distributed Bandwidth Network

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Dr. R. Naveen kumar1,Ms. Moumita Sarkar2,
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.10.881


The premise for managing and controlling bandwidth is the requirement for safe and dependable data transfer through computer networks and the internet. Without bandwidth management, a user or an application won't be able to control all the bandwidth that is available and keep other users or programmers from accessing the networks. It will be difficult to manage which user or programmer gets precedence on the network and impossible to distinguish between different types of network traffic. Applications that need a certain level of quantity and quality of service may not be forecast in terms of bandwidth availability, causing certain apps to perform badly as a result of inefficient bandwidth allocation. This study focuses on the creation of an application to address the difficulties associated with easy data transfer issues in network architecture as business networks increase. The development tools utilized include MySQL, Apache Server, and PHP Script.

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