
ISSN 2063-5346
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Comparative study of Fractional carbon dioxide with Dermaroller in post acne scars

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Madhumitha Muthu, Monisha B. Muthu, Monisha B. Muthu
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.5.505


Acne scars can be classified into three main categories, depending on whether there is a net loss or gain of collagen atrophic; hypertrophic and keloidal scars respectively. Atrophic scars can be further sub-classified into ice pick; rolling; and box scars. Scar classification is important as it can help guide treatment options. There are different treatment options that are available for the atrophic scars caused by acne, like chemical peels, microdermabrasion, lasers - non-ablative, ablative lasers, fractional photo thermolysis (FP), pin point irradiation technique, radio-frequency (RF), punch techniques - punch excision, punch elevation, punch replacement grafting, tissue augmenting agents, micro-needling, subcision, combined therapy, stem cell therapy, IPL. Materials and methods: A total of 60 patients (18-40 years) having atrophic scars, attending the out-patient department at the Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy, Tertiary care Teaching Hospital over a period of 1 year were alternately allocated into group-A and group-B. Approval had obtained from institutional ethical committee and a written informed consent was taken from all the patients before enrolling them in the study. A detailed history of the patients as per the prepared questionnaire was taken. A detailed dermatological examination of the face along with photographs of each patient was taken before and after the procedure with emphasis on acne scars. Patients of acne scars between the age group of 21–35 years with Fitzpatrick’s skin Type III, IV or V were enrolled into the study. The acne severity scales used were Lipper and Perez used to measure acne severity scores. Result: A total of 60 patients were enrolled in the study, which was equally distributed with no statistical differences in terms of type and severity of acne scars. In Group A, patients showed statistically significant improvement in acne scars at the end of the 4th sitting follow-up. In Group B, patients showed 46.9% improvement in acne scars after 4th sitting follow‑up with statistical significance. Mean patients’ subjective score was recorded as 2, which represents a good improvement (25%– 50%) in Group A, while it was recorded as 1, representing mild improvement (0%–25%) in Group B. Group B patients had significant improvement in acne scars as compared to Group A with P = 0.01. Conclusion: The use of combination therapy of microneedling and CO2 laser is more efficacious than CO2 laser alone. This combination present with more or less similar side effects as compared to monotherapy. Successfully combining fractional CO2 laser with dermaroller constitutes a safe and extremely effective treatment modality for acne scarring

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