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Comparison of Ambu Auragain with Blockbuster Laryngeal Mask Airway in Adult Patients Undergoing Elective General Anaesthesia with Positive Pressure Ventilation – A Randomised Control Study

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Dr. Jyothi G, Dr. Harish Naik S, Dr. Prashantha P G, Dr Vikas P Savadi
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.7.349


Safe and effective airway management is the foundation of quality anaesthetic practice LMAs have been introduced with an intention to reduce pressor response. It affords greater security and convenience than a face mask. It is inserted blindly without use of laryngoscope. LMAs are designed to be positioned around laryngeal inlet. It overcomes complications associated with laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation. Compared to first generation, second generation LMAs with property of easier insertion, higher oropharyngeal leak pressure and presence of gastric port improves safety profile for its use in controlled ventilation by preventing aspiration. They are also used as conduit for tracheal intubation. Methodology: A prospective randomised control study. Group A: patients inserted with Ambu Aura Gain LMA. Group B: patients inserted with Block Buster LMA After obtaining institutional ethical clearance 80 patients who were posted for elective procedure under general anaesthesia aged 18-60 years with ASA I and ASA II were included in the study. Patients with mouth opening ˂2.5 cms, known or predicted difficult airway, prone positioning, Pregnancy, head and neck surgery, laparoscopic surgery were excluded from the study. Written informed consent was taken. Patients were randomly grouped into Group A and Group B in whom Ambu Aura Gain and Block Buster LMAs were inserted. Randomisation done by 1:1 ratio using computer generated random numbers. Both LMAs were compared in relation to ease of insertion, number of insertion attempts, time of insertion, oropharyngeal leak pressure, haemodynamic changes and postoperative complications. Results: The oropharyngeal leak pressure with Blockbuster LMAs was significantly higher as compared with Ambu Aura Gain (33.88±1.71 cm h20 v/s 23.4±1.39 cm h20). The mean time of insertion for Blockbuster LMA was 12.25 ±1.53 seconds significantly shorter compared to Ambu Aura Gain with mean insertion time of 17.65±1.33 seconds. There was no statistically significant differences in haemodynamic changes and post-operative complications between two LMAs. Conclusion And Interpretation: Both Block Buster LMA and Ambu Aura Gain are easy to insert and provide effective airway control during positive pressure ventilation. Blockbuster LMA provides a better oropharyngeal leak pressure compared to Ambu Aura Gain. Hence, Block Buster LMA takes upper hand over Ambu Aura Gain for all surgeries done under General Anaesthesia with positive pressure ventilation

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