
ISSN 2063-5346
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Comparison of Nitroglycerine spray and Lignocaine spray for attenuating the pressor response during laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation in patients undergoing elective surgery under general anaesthesia

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Dr. Balasandhiya. P, Dr. Ashwini B
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.7.281


To attenuate the pressor response during laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation many studies have done, but the intention of this study is to observe the impact of oral nitroglycerine spray and oropharyngeal lignocaine spray in diminishing the haemodynamic response during laryngoscopy and intubation. Methods: 70 patients were selected who are planned for elective general anaesthesia were divided into 2 groups, Group L (n=35) and Group N (n=35). Haemodynamic parameters like heart rate, SBP, DBP, Rate pressure product, MAP and sore throat were recorded in both groups. P value < 0.05 is considered as statistical significance. Results: Nitroglycerine spray group was significantly more effective than lignocaine spray group in attenuating the pressor response and were also statistically significant (P valve <0.05). There was statistically significant difference between two groups in HR, DBP, MAP at 1,2,3 minutes after intubation. Both the groups effectively decreases the haemodynamic response. Conclusions: This study concludes that both lignocaine spray and nitroglycerine spray are simple, effective and comfortable means in attenuating the pressor response to laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation, but nitroglycerine spray was significantly more effective than lignocaine spray.

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