
ISSN 2063-5346
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Contemporary Changes in Primary School Curriculum: EnsuringInclusive and Equitable Quality Education

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Mohita Bhardwaj, Dr. Deepti Dabas Hazarika
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si5a.0643


Primary education and curriculum are of utmost importance because throughout this time, which begins at roughly age 5 and lasts until 10 or 11 years old, the child learns and develops values, habits, the ability to differentiate, and attitudes that will benefit them throughout their life. This first level is crucial for those as well who, for whatever reason, are unable to pursue further education. The curriculum usually needs to be adapted to reflect the requirements, demands, and values of society. Implementing curriculum in accordance with societal needs will enrich education, whilst failing to do so could have catastrophic effects on education with regards to economic development. The term "curriculum" refers to a student's overall planned experience inside a formal educational context. Goals and objectives, the curriculum's outline, the material that must be taught and learned, teaching and pedagogical strategies, assessment, materials for teacher learning, school procedures (including classroom procedures), the learning environment and culture, among other things, are some of the factors that make up the curriculum. In intention of this article is to study the primary education in India during different eras vis a vis: Vedic period, ancient India, during British rule, post-independence, the new education policy 2020 and the changes that took place in the curriculum setting during these periods.

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