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Data Replication and Splitting in the Cloud for High Availability and Speed

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Mrs. C. Sandhya, S. Sreejhari, C. Deekshitha, Ch. Sindhu Priya
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si4.1131


The DROPS methodology was designed to address both security and performance issues in cloud computing. By breaking up a file into smaller pieces and replicating them across multiple nodes, the method ensures that even if one node is compromised, an attacker cannot access the entire file. This approach provides a higher level of security than traditional cryptographic techniques, which can be computationally expensive. To ensure optimal performance, the DROPS method uses centrality measurements to select nodes that are best suited for storing and retrieving data. Additionally, data duplication is used to speed up access to frequently accessed files. The effectiveness of the DROPS method was compared to 10 other replication strategies, and while it did result in a slight performance hit, it offered a higher level of security. Overall, the DROPS method provides a solution that balances both security and performance in cloud computing environments, ensuring that data remains secure while also allowing for efficient access and retrieval

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