
ISSN 2063-5346
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1.Dr.Rajeev Talmohite, 2.Dr.Jaishri Tribhuwan, 3.Dr.Nikhil Mahajan, 4.Dr.Shubhangi Rajbhoj, 5.Dr.Sucheta Vanjari, 6.Dr.Chaitrali Hanumantrao Lakade
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si4.1728


Pregnancy is a unique period during a women’s life and is characterized by complex physiological changes, which may adversely affect oral health. At the same time, oral health is key to overall health and wellbeing. During pregnancy, women’s body undergoes complex physiological and hormonal changes that can affect oral health and increase the risk of developing gum disease which, in turn, can affect the health of developing baby. Thus, it is very important to take care of teeth and gums while pregnant. The standard Western medicine has had only limited success in the prevention of periodontal disease and in the treatment of a variety of oral diseases. Hence, the search for alternative products continues and natural phytochemicals isolated from plants used in traditional medicine are considered to be good alternatives to synthetic chemicals.Preventive, diagnostic and restorative dental treatment is safe throughout pregnancy. Due to the high prevalence rate, these oral, periodontal and dental diseases continue to be a major threat in India. A glimpse into classical ayurvedic texts reveals huge potential of many medicinal plants being used. Hence an effective makeshift from synthetic chemicals can be through the medicinal plants mentioned in traditional science which can be serve as a promising approach in prevention and therapeutic strategies of dentistry. A thorough review has been made in the science of Ayurveda regarding the detailed descriptions of oral diseases (Mukha rogas) by various Acharyas with respect to its diagnosis, examination, management and prevention.

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