
ISSN 2063-5346
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Vaddepalli Latha
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si5a.0376


Insomnia is defined as difficulties in falling asleep, insomnia symptoms occur in approximately 33-50% of adult population. The present study is linked with insomnia among alcohol addicts. Insomnia is a heterogeneous complaint that may involve difficulties falling asleep (initial or sleep onset insomnia), trouble staying asleep with prolonged nocturnal awakenings (middle or maintenance insomnia), or early morning awakening with inability to resume sleep, causing dissatisfaction with day time function. Objectives are to assess the relationship between insomnia and depression among alcoholic adults. Methods used are purposive sample (n= 60) were selected, divided into two categories, 30 male adults and 30 female adults chosen from work places. In the first phase i.e. screening was done in order to identify alcohol levels and was asked to fill the ISI questionnaire. Results are t test and correlation is used to see the significance levels of insomnia and addiction. The result showed that there is a Positive correlation between depression and insomnia. Management strategies are included with long term insomnia and given few therapies to cure it.

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