
ISSN 2063-5346
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Mr Ajit Rao, Dr Dakshita Sangwan
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.s3.470


This research paper examines the prevalence and impact of domestic violence against women within the context of marriage in India. It investigates the conceptual framework, legal provisions, societal factors, support systems, and reform proposals related to this issue. Through analysis of research, case studies, and legal references, the paper highlights the gender inequalities, patriarchal norms, cultural beliefs, economic factors, and lack of awareness that contribute to domestic violence in marriages. Key laws such as the “Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act,” “the Dowry Prohibition Act,” and “the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act,” along with relevant case laws, are explored to understand the legal framework for protecting women. The research also explores societal factors and causes, including gender inequality, cultural beliefs, economic factors, substance abuse, lack of awareness, and social stigma, which perpetuate domestic violence within marriages. It underscores the need for comprehensive strategies that challenge deep-rooted gender inequalities, promote education and awareness, and foster supportive communities. The role of support systems and interventions, such as helplines, crisis centers, shelter homes, legal aid services, and rehabilitation programs, is analyzed to understand their importance in providing immediate assistance, empowering victims, and creating safer environments. Collaboration, multi-sectoral coordination, and legislative reforms are also emphasized. Based on the analysis, the paper presents recommendations and reform proposals, including strengthening the legal framework, enhancing education and awareness, improving support services, capacity building and training, collaboration among stakeholders, and long-term prevention efforts. In conclusion, the paper underscores the need for a comprehensive approach involving legal, societal, and systemic changes to address domestic crimes against women in marriage. By implementing the recommended strategies and reforms, society can work towards creating a safe and equitable environment where women are protected, empowered, and free from violence within their marital relationships.

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