
ISSN 2063-5346
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Effect of Low Level LASER on acupoint CV-24 and PC-6 to control gag reflex in children- A Comparative Clinical Study

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Dr. Renuka Bhurke , Dr.Sandhyarani. B, Dr. Anil Patil, Dr .Sujatha Paranna , Dr. Vriti Pursnani, Dr. Ankita Annu
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si7.253


Gag reflex act produced by the transmission of afferent impulses to the center and outflow as efferent impulses to the musculature of the oropharynx. It has an undesirable impact on the efficacy of dental procedures such as intraoral examination, making dental impressions and many other clinical dental procedures in children. It has an adverse effect on completion of certain dental treatment as it leads to difficulty in dental treatment. Simple dental treatments leads to increased levels of stress in pediatric patients, and can cause excessive salivation, lacrimation, or even vomiting. Its main mechanism is based on stimulating the nerves by altering the processes and perception of pain transmitters. It facilitates releasing natural pain relievers such as endorphins and serotonin

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