
ISSN 2063-5346
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Effect of Physical Contact Limitations and Social Spacing Practices in Mitigating Epidemiologic Spread: Analyzing COVID-19 Government Containment Strategies in the Arab World

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AlJawhara M. K. AlSabah, MPH, Dr.PH, CPH
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si7.679


As health systems around the world struggle to respond to the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV 2), a novel specie of the coronavirus family accountable for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the reality of this pandemic framed several important global environmental health issues into sharp focus. It is becoming increasingly evident that environmental and ecological variables play a significant role in dictating the scenario in which the spread of COVID-19 takes place. These variables interact with pre-existing ecological circumstances and tend to trigger the magnitude of population health response and disease control that usually ensues. Ongoing attempts to understand the proliferation of SARS-CoV-2 include research on the role of the built environment in human behavior that influences COVID-19 infection rates and disease severity; such as business closures, suspension of educational institutions, imposed government curfews, etc. Hence, as the international community begins to enact an expansive scale of preventive strategies in reaction to COVID-19 – albeit varying in degree or extent of prevention and response time – nevertheless; the preservation of life became the primary mandate for many national governments, whereby several interventions to bring down COVID-19 related infections and deaths were promulgated on a country-level scale. Such interventions, among others, included nationwide lockdowns, domestic and international travel restrictions, quarantine and isolation for the infected, public interaction limitations, and donning of personal protective equipment. Given the various interventions implemented in the State of Kuwait since the first confirmed cases of COVID-19 were registered in February 2020, it is essential to evaluate the policy responses taken by the government to determine their efficacy in reducing the loss of lives and mitigating the pandemic in the country

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