
ISSN 2063-5346
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Effect of salt addition on self-life of fresh ground chili in Padang City, West Sumatera

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Daimon Syukri, Rici elvinas, Muhammad Makky, Jaswandi, Fauzan Azima, Aisman, Annisa Rahmi Z.J and Feri Arlius
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.4.233


Objective: This study aimed to study the effect of adding salt to the shelf life of fresh ground chili. Material and method: Four concentrations of salt (sodium chloride) were added to fresh ground chilies, namely 0%, 6%, 12% and 18%. The treated chilies were stored at ambient condition (temperature ± 28-30 ˚C. To show the quality level of fresh ground chili, several analytical parameters were carried out such as water content, pH, total acidity, color and total number of plates. The analyses were conducted periodically. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that the value of the analysis of water content, pH, total acid, color and total plate number shows the same pattern. Results: It was known that the use of salt with concentrations of 12 and 18% can maintain the freshness of fresh ground chili. The use of salt content from 0 to 6 % was known to not be able to maintain the freshness of fresh ground chilies. Conclusion: In this study it can be concluded that the use of salt with a concentration of 12% can be recommended to extend the shelf life of fresh ground chili while 18 % should be the best ones. The optimization of concentrations between 12 and 18% needs further study.

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