
ISSN 2063-5346
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Effect of the Jalaukavacharana and Ayurvedic formulation in the management of Kardama Visarpa (erysipelas) - A case report

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Devesh Jaiman, H.M.L. Meena, Sunita Rawat, Bharat C Padhar, Rashmi Mutha
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si4.1550


According to Ayurveda, Visarpa is a one of the major skin disease which is more similar to the diseases Erysipelas. It has a Vividha (different directions) and Sarpana (spreading) characteristics that means it spreads upwards or downwards or side wards directions in all over the body. Aims: To demonstrate the successful treatment of Kardama Visarpa (Erysipelas). Main clinical finding: A 35 years old female patient diagnosed with Kardama Visarpa under regular allopathic treatment for 8 years but didn’t get any improvement having the symptoms of Aashu–anunnatashopha (non-pitting oedema), Daaha (Burning sensation), Jvara (fever), Vedana (pain) and Sphotas or Pidikas (blisters or papules formation). Material and methods: Diagnosis was based on the clinical features like non-pitting oedema, Burning sensation, fever, pain and blisters or papules formation, this case was diagnosed as Kardama Visarpa (Erysipelas). A treatment protocol was designed based on the signs and symptoms observed in this patient. The protocol includes Ayurvedic formulation and Jalaukavacharana procedure which was applied for two months. During the treatment sign and symptoms and quality of life were assessed. Results: After the intervention Ayurvedic treatment, she got significant relief in all signs and symptoms. Conclusion: The treatment was found very effective for this case. This treatment protocol may be adopted in future cases, using different combinations of drugs based upon the different Ayurvedic parameters to obtain even better results.

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