
ISSN 2063-5346
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Effectiveness of digital marketing on building brand equity in the MSMEs service sector

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Murali V1, Dr. Sardar Gugloth2
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.10.710


The research is being conducted to find out how well digital marketing works as a brand-building strategy. We do this by looking into the ways in which various forms of digital marketing including email, mobile phone, search engine optimization, and company websites influence one another. They used quantitative research approaches like the structural equation modeling methodology to look at the variables and got 210 responses from a slightly revised questionnaire. Direct impact studies have shown that all digital marketing channels improve the efficiency of brand equity in the MSMEs services sectors of Andhra Pradesh. In addition, the findings have important practical implications for marketers and digital media managers, who can use this information to develop superior media and marketing strategies that keep them at the forefront of their industries and at the forefront of their markets.

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