
ISSN 2063-5346
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Khalid Ali Mohammad Haddadi , Abdulaziz Eidan Abdulrazzaq Alghamdi, Abdullah Fisal Al-Hazmi, Moudhy Ahmad Fakeeh, Khalid Obid Alotaibi, Mohammed Obaid Aifan Alotaibi, Yousef Hussain Hamoud Alotaibi, Bijad Helal F Alotibi,. Khalid Swalim Al Aotabiy, Thelal Mohammed Felemban
» doi: 10.53555/ecb/2022.11.11.143


An effective method for reporting drug errors is essential for ensuring trustworthy medical practice and serves as an indicator of progress in achieving safety. The focus on enhancement initiatives and system adjustments in drug mistake reporting systems should be on minimizing the probability of harm to future patients. Nevertheless, the purpose of this study is to offer a comprehensive assessment of the significance of reporting medication mistakes and its potential to enhance patient safety outcomes. Electronic databases were search through the literature for studies that address medication error reporting and its influence on patient safety and healthcare system promotion. Disclosing prescription errors, which can result in warnings, and encouraging the spread of an attitude of safe practice are all benefits that can be gained via reporting. Increasing the dependability of the system may be accomplished by combining and contrasting data from a variety of sources of information, which also promotes the spread of an environment that values safe workplace practices.

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