
ISSN 2063-5346
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Efficient Aggregatable DKG based Distributed Attribute Authority for CPABE in Patient Centric Data

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Ronanki Chandra Sekhar1,Ravinder Reddy B2,
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.10.420


In today's digital world, the healthcare sector is undergoing a rapid transformation, and healthcare data is growing at an exponential rate. Attribute-based encryption (ABE) has become a potential approach for securing patients' sensitive data and privacy. Although there are many parties engaged in the process, managing access control regulations in healthcare environments is difficult. To address this challenge, a distributed attribute authority (DAA) has been used to manage access control policies but the main disadvantage of the DABE scheme is the overhead involved in managing the distributed authorities. For ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CPABE) with patient-centric data, an effective aggregatable distributed key generation (DKG) based DAA is proposed in this work. With the help of our suggested approach, DKG-based CPABE schemes' computational and communication overhead should be reduced. This technique allows multiple data owners to collaboratively generate a single access policy, thereby reducing the number of policies that need to be managed. The proposed system also supports revocation of users and attributes, which is an essential feature in healthcare settings. We simulate the proposed system's performance and show that, in terms of computing and communication costs, it performs better than the DKG-based CPABE systems that are already in use.

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