
ISSN 2063-5346
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Balwan Singh, Sanju Nanda , Noopur Srivastava , Kamini Kalia , K. Nagarajan
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.6.162


Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is an herbal source of medicine for treating cancers, with minimal side effects, moreover the outcomes of the drug is directly affected by the various physicochemical characteristic. This parameter attracted the drug discovery scientist to find the way to enhance the effects. The review covers all important finding related to the therapeutics effects of the EGCG, the focus of the review was to highlighted the importance of the advanced drug delivery system which are recent advancement in delivery system such as nanotechnology, and liposomes, which enhances the therapeutic effects and chemo preventive actions of EGCH, The nanotechnology gives various advantages, such as low skin irritation and increased protection of encapsulated drug for topical applications in non melanoma skin cancer enhances drug penetration through skin. In the present data collection, some of the important clinical data is incorporated to analyze the actual drug effect in the human population. The review is the combination of the recent data related EGCG

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