
ISSN 2063-5346
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Exploring the Efficacy of Warm Compression versus Cold Compression in Alleviating Dry Eye Syndrome Symptoms

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Mano Priya Vijayan , Dr. Renuka. K
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si7.735


Dry eye syndrome is a common ocular disorder in India, with escalating prevalence and the potential to become an epidemic, posing significant public health challenges. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of warm compress and cold compress interventions on clients with dry eye syndrome in selected areas of Puducherry. The condition not only affects vision but also disrupts the overall quality of life, making it imperative to identify effective interventions to alleviate its burden and improve the well-being of those affected. Materials & Methods: A quasi-experimental research design with a two-group pre-test and post-test approach was adopted for this study. The study population comprised clients suffering from dry eye syndrome, and 60 samples were purposively selected. Data collection involved structured questionnaires and the standardized Canadian Dry Eye Assessment Scale to assess dry eye levels before and after the interventions. Results: Prior to the intervention, the mean dry eye level was 13.43 in group I (warm compress) and 15.73 in group II (cold compress). After the intervention, the mean dry eye level significantly reduced to 4.83 in group I and 9.32 in group II. The t-test values for group I and group II were 4.099 and 3.832, respectively. These findings indicate a greater reduction in dry eye syndrome in the warm compress group compared to the cold compress group, suggesting the effectiveness of the warm compress in managing dry eye syndrome. Conclusions: As the incidence of dry eye is expected to escalate in the coming years, implementing warm compress interventions could be a valuable approach to alleviate the burden of this condition and enhance the well-being of those affected. Further research and long-term assessments may be warranted to strengthen these conclusions and inform evidence-based practices in dry eye management.

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