
ISSN 2063-5346
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Exploring the Parallels: Vedanta Metaphysics and Emersonian Transcendentalism - A Comparative Study of Atma and the Soul

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Ankush Mahajan Dr. Shiva Durga
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si4.1646


This research paper delves into the profound teachings of Vedanta philosophy, which serves as the bedrock of Hindu philosophy, focusing on the existence and role of Atma (soul) in life. Vedanta expounds on the immortal and unchanging nature of Atma, while acknowledging its transformative journey through different bodies. Conversely, Western Christian philosophy also recognizes the concept of the soul but emphasizes its changeability. Drawing from his Christian background, Ralph Waldo Emerson's writings concentrate on the spirituality of the soul, culminating in his theory of transcendentalism. However, influenced by Vedantic philosophy, Emerson's understanding of the soul diverges from traditional Christian views and converges with the Vedantic notions of Atma and Paramatma (the absolute, Brahma). This study aims to explore the commonalities between Vedanta metaphysics and Emersonian transcendentalism regarding the perception of Atma and Paramatma. By establishing connections between the Vedantic metaphysical concept of the soul and the American transcendentalist perspective of the soul and the Over-soul as proposed in Emerson's writings, this research facilitates a meaningful bridge between Eastern Vedic and Western philosophical viewpoints.

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