
ISSN 2063-5346
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Exploring the Transformative Power of Affectional Bonds and Symbolism in Jojo Rabbit

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Midhun Santhakumar , Haripriya L Rajeev , Dr. Krishnajamol K
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si7.418


Set during World War II, the film Jojo Rabbit follows the story of Jojo Betzler, a young German boy and avid member of the Hitler Youth, whose imaginary friend is none other than Adolf Hitler himself. However, Jojo's beliefs and worldview are challenged when he discovers a Jewish girl named Elsa living hidden in his attic. Drawing upon the field of semiotics, the study aims to examine how the affectional bonds formed between Jojo and Elsa, along with the symbolic representations employed throughout the film, convey its central themes and illuminate the psychological transformation of the protagonist. By conducting a comprehensive semiotic analysis, this research seeks to unravel the meanings embedded within the signs, symbols, objects, and images presented in Jojo Rabbit. Through the utilisation of semiotics as the primary research methodology, this investigation aims to provide a deeper understanding of Jojo Rabbit's narrative, artistic choices, and the emotional impact it has on its audience.

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