
ISSN 2063-5346
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Exploring The Uniqueness of Sharia Solutions For Stunting In North Sumatra

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Sri Wahyuni, Ari Asriadi, Iskandar Muda, Andri Soemitra, Sugianto
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si4.1675


This study aims to analyze the implementation of Sharia solutions in addressing the issue of stunting in North Sumatra. The methodology employed involves the analysis of data on stunting prevalence, poverty rates, and economic growth over the past five years. These data were subjected to descriptive analysis to identify trends and relationships between stunting prevalence and socio-economic factors. The research findings indicate that stunting prevalence in North Sumatra has decreased during the study period, while poverty rates remain high. Furthermore, a negative correlation between stunting prevalence and economic growth was observed, indicating that when economic growth declines, stunting prevalence tends to increase. However, no clear relationship was found between poverty rates and stunting prevalence. In this context, the implementation of Sharia solutions can serve as a relevant alternative to address stunting in North Sumatra. An integrated approach that involves the nutrition, health, sanitation, education, and economic development sectors can provide comprehensive and sustainable solutions. Additionally, the application of Sharia-based solutions can enhance the well-being of children through an emphasis on halal nutrition, the integration of religious values in health education, the development of a halal and healthy food industry, as well as collaboration with religious institutions and the Muslim community.

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