
ISSN 2063-5346
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Dr G.Sekar 1, Sanjay.K 2, Sanjeev.N 3, Tamilvanan.T 4
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.5.413


Face recognition is changing its way into the new cars in an attempt to increase safety and convenience. For car ignition and to prevent from robberies, there are numerous possibilities for using facial recognition in cars. obviously, there is a need for the new, dependable safety measure that would keep car owners at peace when they're not around their cars. Face recognition could give that redundant layer of safety and help reduce thefts. Face recognition works on a simple and non-obstructive principle. To implement this project a variety of lightning conditions and run-on mobile phones or handheld PCs like raspberry pi is used. A camera is placed to capture the faces and for scanning, then the images captured are stored in dataset. Here the face detection system takes multiple photos of the person and stores this data into its database. First task is scanning, when the face is detected by the camera the system compares the face with the images stored in the database and give access to predefined functionalities, similar as the authorization to ignite the car. If the person is already registered then it starts the vehicle or if it identifies the person as invalid user then the system can notify the owner and access is denied and the ignition doesn’t take place. Car owners can also set up authorizations or restrictions for other people, alike as family members. This helps in prevent car thefts and provide with better control of their cars.

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