
ISSN 2063-5346
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Dr. Puja Shashi , Anitha H, Ashok Kumar, Abhilash Tripathy, Anil Kumar Mishra, Ankur Kumar
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2022.11.12.60


India's farming sector grapples with persistent poverty due to entrenched working-class cultures and outdated practices. Furthermore, farmers are subjected to exploitation by middlemen who manipulate them into selling their produce at unfairly low prices. To alleviate these challenges, agro marketing emerges as a promising solution by automating tasks and streamlining processes. E-farming, an integral part of agro marketing, empowers farmers with access to crucial data on market prices, sales trends, and profit margins, while enabling them to expand their customer base across the country. Through thisinnovative platform, farmers can now send and receive SMS messages to stay informed about market conditions and product information. Additionally, the system acts as a gateway to modern farming techniques and government-sponsored agriculture programs, fostering greater efficiency and productivity. The primary objective of this project is to establish an online efarming store that serves as a virtual marketplace for rural farmers to directly sell their goods in cities. Customers gain convenient access to a diverse range of agricultural products and can make purchases directly from the website or communicate directly with sellers, promoting a transparent and mutually beneficial trade environment. As a result of thissuccessful internet commerce initiative, both buyers and sellers save precious time and financial resources. By bridging the rural-urban divide and mitigating the exploitative practices of agents, the e-farming platform brings hope for the upliftment of India's farming community and the transformation of the agricultural landscape.

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