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Ms.P.Alaguvathana1*, Dr.R.Venkatesh2,Dr.R.Kesavamoorthy3.Ms.R.Janani,4. Ms.P.Ilampiray5
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.10.072


Phishing is a type of identity theft when a counterfeit website poses as a legitimate one in order to get sensitive information, such as credit card numbers or account numbers.Even though there are many anti-phishing technologies and techniques for seeing potential phishing attempts in emails and spotting phishing content on websites, phishers constantly create new and hybrid strategies to get around the existing software and tactics.Social engineering is one of the biggest threats that today's organizations and individuals face. A popular computer-based social engineering technique is phishing.Attackers use spoofed email addresses as a tool to go after large organizations. Due of the high amount of daily phishing emails received, businesses cannot identify all of them.To prevent phishing, new strategies and safeguards are necessary. Using cutting-edge Python machine learning technologies, the project will guide you through the steps required to develop three distinct machine learning-based projects to detect phishing attempts.Phishing is a deception technique that use a combination of social engineering and technology to get private information, including passwords and credit card numbers, by pretending to be a reputable individual or business in an internet discussion.Phishing employs phoney emails that seem legitimate and are purportedly from reliable sources, such banking organisations, e-commerce sites, and so forth., to persuade people to click on links in the phishing email that would take them to fake websites. The phony websites are designed to closely resemble the genuine business website.

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