
ISSN 2063-5346
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Mukesh Chandra Kestwal, Dr. Jitendra Kumar Pandey, Dr. Surajit Mondal
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.s3.638


The reuse of greywater (GW) is indeed a popular and effective approach to address water scarcity and manage water availability in specific areas. When properly managed and treated, greywater can serve as a valuable resource for sectors like agriculture and horticulture. Greywater is readily recyclable at the household level with minimal design changes. After primary and secondary treatment, it can be reused for garden watering and toilet flushing. Greywater from student accommodations was collected, characterized, and treated using a series of organic materials. Parameters such as total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, turbidity, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), nitrate, and phosphorus were measured. The majority of the measured parameters were within acceptable ranges posttreatment. This method allows households to effectively treat and recycle greywater for non-potable uses by using natural adsorbents. However, the success and feasibility of this method depend on certain factors, such as the specific characteristics of the greywater, the choice and effectiveness of the natural adsorbents used, and the treatment processes applied. Regular monitoring and maintenance are essential to ensure the continued efficiency and effectiveness of the greywater treatment system. Moreover, compliance with regulatory standards and guidelines is crucial when implementing such systems to ensure safety and environmental concerns. In general, reusing treated greywater using natural adsorbents offers a workable alternative for managing water resources and easing the burden on freshwater supplies in locations where water shortage is a problem.

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