
ISSN 2063-5346
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Sandeep Beniwal, Sanju Sunda
» doi: 10.53555/ecb/2022.11.6.113


Himachal Pradesh, nestled in the north-western part of the Himalayas, is a region fraught with the recurring menace of natural disasters, including earthquakes, landslides, cloudbursts, avalanches, and flash floods. Among these, landslides stand out as one of the most pervasive, wreaking havoc on natural resources, economic assets, and human lives. The burgeoning population coupled with the expansion of settlements into fragile terrains has exacerbated the impact of these disasters, particularly in the Lesser Himalayan region. Geologically youthful and tectonically active, the Himalayan ranges harbor numerous seismic faults, placing the region within Zone IV and V of India's seismic zone map. This seismic activity, combined with the region's ecological fragility, renders Himachal Pradesh acutely vulnerable to natural calamities. Physiographically, the state is delineated into three distinct units: Lower Himalaya, Middle Himalaya, and Higher Himalaya, each susceptible to different hazards dictated by lithological, soil, and climatic variations. Rainfall and temperature patterns exhibit considerable spatial heterogeneity, with precipitation diminishing from west to east and south to north. The state grapples with the annual onslaught of natural disasters, ranging from cloudbursts to snow avalanches, wreaking havoc on infrastructure and human settlements. In this context, understanding the dynamics of hazards in the Upper Beas Basin emerges as a critical imperative. This research aims to delve into the complexities of hazard mapping in this region, leveraging advanced techniques in remote sensing, GIS, and hydrological modeling to delineate vulnerable zones, assess risk profiles, and inform effective mitigation and adaptation strategies. By elucidating the intricate interplay of geological, climatic, and anthropogenic factors shaping hazard dynamics, this study seeks to enhance the resilience of communities and ecosystems in the face of mounting environmental challenges.

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