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Identification by cytogenetic analysis the Causative agents and treatment of Primary and Secondary Amenorrhea - A clinical review

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Flora Bai B , Chirayu Padhiar, Ambiga S, Wilson Aruni A
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si4.684


Amenorrhea is the abnormal cessation or absence of menstrual cycle in females. Regular menstrual flow indicates functioning neuroendocrine-reproductive system and assures that Physiological changes of puberty are normal.Primary amenorrhea is confirmed when a female is not attained menarche at the age between 14-16 .It might happen due to various reasons like Hypoplastic uterus or absence of uterus, hormonal changes, changes in glands and genetic disorders. Secondary amenorrhea is confirmed when a normally menstruating female couldn’t able to menstruate continuously for three to six months. It might due to various reasons like hormonal imbalance, Pregnancy or abnormal growth in uterus, Polycystic ovarian failure, obesity, over exercises, depression, Stress, poor nutrition etc. Amenorrhea may be due to hormonal imbalance, ovarian failure, chromosomal abnormalities etc. Primary and Secondary amenorrhea can be diagnosed by blood test, USG, Karyotyping, Chromosomal microarray, Sanger sequencing etc. This article explains the causes, treatment and diagnostics of primary and secondary amenorrhea.

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