
ISSN 2063-5346
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Identification of protein drug targets for Aspergillosis caused by A. niger using in-silico method - SPA approach

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Sofia Khatoona , Suchitra Ku Panigrahya , Sushma Dubey
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si8.163


A. niger is caused invasive fungal infections have been associated with serious health issues. Aspergillosis resistance is brought on by the combination of triazoles (Voriconazole, Posaconazole, and Intraconazole) with antifungals (Micafungin, Caspofungin, Amp B, etc.); new antifungal medications are therefore required for the treatment of this condition. An in-silico computational method for retrieving new targets is the SPA approach. Several bioinformatics servers and programmes have been used to perform Subtractive Proteome Analysis on the full proteome of A. niger (strain CBS 513.88 / FGSC A1513). From UNIPROT, the total number of proteins was gathered, and redundant sequences were eliminated using the CD-HIT method. Following the use of the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) and a collection of databases for important genes (DEG), the proteins that were non-homologous to humans and bacteria were discovered for metabolic pathway analysis (KEGG). Calculating the number of target proteins is possible following the retrieval of unique identification routes. DrugBank was used to aid in the druggability analysis. The BUSCA and PSORT II web portals were used to find the proteins' locations. The new Aspergillosis targets were correctly predicted.

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