
ISSN 2063-5346
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Akshaya Subhashinee Dhanasekaran, Shri Krishna Prasanth B, Ananthnarayanan V, Krishna kumar Raja V B
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.s2.082


Cancer develops through a multi-step process that begins with genetic changes in healthy proliferation and differentiation.The goal of public health has made early detection of oral cancer a priority, and oral health professionals are playing a key part in this effort.(1–3).Humanity is cursed with cancer. Oral cancer is the most severe of them all since it has a negative emotional and physical impact on the sufferer. (4,5) Immune surveillance functions as a powerful tumour suppressor in a healthy environment because these changes cause the emergence of tumor-related antigens that the immune system can initially recognise. Nonetheless, it is thought that during this equilibrium phase, the immune system may lose its capacity to destroy cancer cells, or new mutations may cause tumour cells to become poorly immunogenic and resistant to removal by immune cells.(6)The main pillars of cancer treatment is surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or combination of these. Recently, immunotherapy treatment has emerged as another modality, targeting cancer cells not by its anatomical location or disease process, but by inherent mechanisms which the immune system uses to distinguish between normal healthy tissue and unhealthy pathological tissue(7)

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