
ISSN 2063-5346
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Impact of Converging Disruptive Technology with Business Strategies for Improved Effectiveness: An Empirical Study

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Dr.Malini.T.N, Dr. Anand Muley, Dr. Rashmi Yogesh Pai, Dr Jyoti Bhoj
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si4.1204


The convergence of disruptive technologies with business strategies has significant implications for improving organizational effectiveness. In the contemporary, swiftly progressing electronic terrain, enterprises are ceaselessly searching for ground-breaking methodologies to employ disruptive technologies to procure a competitive edge. The process of digital transformation (DX) has transformed into an omnipresent phrase that exceeds the boundaries of information technology aficionados and has garnered extensive recognition. It is not merely a fleeting subject confined to online search engines; rather, it is a phenomenon that will persist until a majority of IT companies embrace the technologies capable of liberating them from the confines of legacy IT systems. Two key technologies driving the actualization of digital transformation are convergence technology and disruptive technology. Authentic digital transformation entails a comprehensive shift in processes, transcending isolated departments and embracing enterprise-wide platforms to enhance customer experiences. In essence, true transformation necessitates the convergence of people, processes, and technology, leading to a holistic and profound change from within the organization. It is crucial to recognize that digital transformation goes beyond surface-level changes and superficial advancements. Organizations seeking a successful digital transformation must undertake a fundamental reconceptualization of their business operations. This requires the seamless integration of innovative technologies into all facets of the organization, fostering an environment that promotes agility, innovation, and customer-centricity. To accomplish this goal, businesses must overcome entrenched, traditional silos and embrace a more cross-functional approach. This means aligning personnel, streamlining processes, and leveraging advanced technologies to effectuate meaningful change, ultimately leading to new opportunities for growth and a competitive advantage.

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