
ISSN 2063-5346
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In Silico Analysis of Phytoconstituents against Major Psoriatic and Inflammatory Target Proteins

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Sagar N. Ande*, Mahendra D. Kshirsagar, Anil V. Chanderwar, Nitin I. Kochar, Deepak S. Mohale
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.5.432


In silico screening of phytochemicals active constituents performs for anti-psoriatic and anti-inflammatory properties to treat psoriasis. A chronic inflammatory skin condition with significant hereditary tendency and autoimmune pathologic characteristics is psoriasis. The frequency varies by area but is roughly 2% globally people affected by this disease. The interleukin (IL)-23/Th17 and IL-17 axis is a major contributing factor in psoriatic disease. For the purpose of examining the interactions of active substances with specific proteins, Autodock 4.2 was used to screen potential constituents. High protein binding affinities and low inhibition constants were used to determine which ligands had the best affinity for proteins. Biovia Discovey Software was used to monitor the ligands’ binding spaces, hydrogen bonds, and hydrophobic bonds.

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